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Regularly $38.99Start Today!
$165.00/mRegularly $200.99
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Browser Lock
Web Protection
1 Domain
All Subdomains
All Subdomains
Browser Compatibility
Issuance Speed
5 minutes or less
1 – 2 Business Days
3 – 4 Business Days
Validity Period
1 – 2 years
1 – 2 years
1 – 2 years
PCI Compliance
Search Engine Optimization
99.9% Uptime Guarantee
Easy To Use Account Manager
Free Setup
Free lifetime certificate reissues
Full Mobile Support
Protect email coming & going
24/7/365 Support
Secure eCommerce transactions
Money Back Guarantee
FREE/yr Regularly $15.99
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$135.00/yr Regularly $149.99
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$2000.00/yr Regularly $2999.99
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All Our plans include
No More
Browser Warnings
Strongest &
Fastest SSL
Device Support
Security Audits
Prevent &
Data Attacks
and Trust
Best in Class
Premium Support
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FAQ - Your questions? We got answers!
What is SSL? What is TLS?
SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) and it’s successor TLS (Transport Layer Security) are methods used to secure and encrypt sensitive information and other private data sent over the Internet. Website pages secured with SSL and TLS are those branded with the HTTPS in their URL address.
Which type of validation should I choose?
An SSL certificate with domain validation (domain SSL) ensures a secure HTTPS connection to your website, but does not provide information about the company behind the website. That is why we only recommend this for private websites.
Then an organization validation gives more feedback to your visitors. With a few clicks in the address bar, they can check which company is behind the website and whether that matches the company with which they want to make a transaction.
With an Wildcard you create the most trust towards your visitors. They not only see a lock and HTTPS in the address bar, but also a green bar and your company name.
What is a certificate authority (CA)?
A certificate authority is an entity which issues digital certificates to organizations or people after validating them. Every certificate authority has different products, prices, SSL certificate features, and levels of customer satisfaction. Certification authorities have to keep detailed records of what has been issued and the information used to issue it, and are audited regularly to make sure that they are following defined procedures. Every certification authority provides a Certification Practice Statement (CPS) that defines the procedures that will be used to verify applications.
Who needs an SSL Certificate?
Sensitive information includes things like username and passwords, credit card numbers, or any other data that needs to be kept private.
Anything (including people, software, computers, and devices) who exchange sensitive information on any network, including the Internet and Web, needs to use SSL/TLS.
What is browser compatibility?
Browser compatibility means that the certificate you buy is signed by a root certificate that is already trusted by most web browsers that your customers may be using. If it isn’t signed by a trusted root certificate, or if links in the certificate chain are missing, then the web browser will give a warning message that the website may not be trusted. Unless otherwise noted, the certificates from all major certificate providers listed are compatible with 99% of all browsers.
How many domain names can I secure?
Most SSL server certificates will only secure a single domain name or sub-domain. For example, a certificate could secure or but not both. The certificate will still work on a different domain name but the web browser will give an error anytime it sees that the address in the address bar doesn’t match the domain name (called a common name) in the certificate. If you need to secure multiple sub-domains on a single domain name, you can buy a wildcard certificate. For a wildcard certificate, a common name of * would secure,,, etc…